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Program Skills Meets 10 hrs./week Meets 5 hrs./wk Meets 5 hrs./wk Focus shifts from Focus is on Focus is on grammar in lower improving read- improving pro- levels to writing in ing skills such nunciation, flu- the higher levels. increasing ency, oral gram- speed, learning mar, and listen- vocabulary in ing comprehen- context, finding sion. At increas- main ideas, mak ingly higher lev- ing inferences, els there is a skimming and greater emphasis scanning, sur- on formal oral veying, and presentations improving gen- plus listening to eral compre- and taking notes hension. on academic lectures.
Level 1/2 Content of com- Has little abil- Has little control Beginner/ position has little ity to predict over lexical items False Beginner support. Organiza- reading con- or sentence-level tion is sentence. tent. Reads texts utterances. level or lower. with simple lex- Speech is slow Has little control ical items and and contains over lexical items syntactic struc- many errors in needed for expres- tures. Has dif- pronunciation. Is sion. Has many sen- ficulty finding able to compre- tence-level gram- main ideas. hend only slow mar and syntax Reads at a rate speech on simple errors. Experiences slower than topics. Requires difficulty knowing 100 words per numerous repiti- where a sentence minute. tions to facilitae ends. understanding.
Grammar/Writing Reading Oral Skills
Level 3 Content support is Reads a some- Has lexical con- Low minimal. Organiza- what larger trol over only Intermediate tion is no higher variety of texts simple items. than sentence level. than Level 1 Produces utter- Exhibits some lexical students. Has ances containing control over familiar some ability to many errors in items. Has many sen- understand more grammar, pro- tence-level errors in difficult lexical nunciation and grammar and syntax. items. Reads syntax; however, Displays some prob- some sentences sentence length lems in use of end containing and speed are punctuation. Has clasue struc- much greater frequent spelling tures. Has than those of errors. improved abil- Level 1 students. ilty to find main Has an under- ideas. Has begun standing of a to practice skim- wider range of ming and scan- topics spoken at ning. Reads greater speeds 100 to 200 words than Level 1 per minute. students.
Level 4 Is able to give Is able to read a Has lexical con- Intermediate increased support variety of text trol over a wide to ideas. Has con- types from range of topics. trol of rhetorical charts, graphs, Makes some form at paragraph and catalogs to errors in pro- level. Sentences are elementary aca- nunciation, simple, compound, demic topics. grammar, and and complex. Has Has good ability syntax that good control over to understand occasionally familiar items and main ideas and obscure mean- some academic topics. vocabulary in ing. Is able to Exhibits sentence- context. Pre- give short, formal level grammar dicts content reports on a vari- errors that do not easily. Has ety of topics. usually obscure added surveying Exhibits compre- meaning. Has a few to reading skills. hension of simple punctuation and Speed has academic lectures spelling errors. increased to spoken at a nor- beyond 200 mal speed. words/minute.
Grammar/Writing Reading Oral Skills
Level 5 Has good support for Has advanced to Has the ability to Low ideas. Understands reading more speak on simple Advanced organization beyond academic text academic topics. paragraph level and types. Has good Seldom produces in a number of rhe- control of most errors in speech torical modes. Has lexical items and that obscure lexical control over has the added meaning. Is many academic ability to recog- gaining control topics. Exhibits only nize fact, infer- over idiomatic occasional errors in ence, and value language. Rate of grammar and judgement. speech and sen- mechanics. Reading speed is tence length are more like that of approaching a slower first- native fluency. language reader. Is able to listen to and take notes on most academic topics.
Grammar/Writing Reading Oral Skills
Level 6 Demonstrates excel- Has the ability Has the ability to Advanced lent support of to read and com- address academic ideas. Is able to prehend diffi- topics with oral write at essay level cult academic fluency easily with good lex- texts containing approaching that ical control of most demanding of a native topics. Has only structure and speaker. Accent infrequent errors and vocabulary. is only slightly in grammar and Level of reading discernable. Is in mechanics. Control is approaching good control of of rhetorical modes that of first- idiomatic lan- is significantly bet- language uni- gauge. Listens to ter than that of versity students. and takes notes a Level 4 students. Reading speed on difficult aca- is equal to that demic lectures. of a first-lan- Comprehension guage reader. approaches that of a native speaker.
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