turkishenglish.com - Comparison of relative clauses in ESL students


Table 1.  Relative clause production frequency, by genre...................................................... 18

Table 2.  Relative clause production figures and error rates................................................... 23

Table 3.  Number of RCs in the translation and the amount of overlap................................... 33

Table 4.  Number of students and compositions, by level. .................................................... 45

Table 5.  The number of RCs per composition in Schacter’s study compared

                            with the present one................................................................................. 53

Table 6.  Number of RCs produced by the Korean students, by level................................... 54

Table 7.  Distribution of GR for NPRel in native Korean text................................................ 55

Table 8.  Distribution of GR for NPRel in the Korean data, by level...................................... 56

Table 9.  Distribution of Head Nouns in Korean data, by level.............................................. 57

Table 10.  Percent of matrix clause verbs appearing as have in Korean data, by level............ 57

Table 11.  Percentage of RCs with Personal PROs as Head NP in Korean data,by level....... 59

Table 12.  Percentage of NRRCs in Korean data, by level.................................................... 60

Table 13.  Spanish production of relative clauses, by level..................................................... 61

Table 14.  The grammatical relation of the Head Nouns in the Spanish data, by level............. 61

Table 15.  Occurrence of have as matrix verb in Spanish data, by level................................. 62

Table 16.  Percentage of DEF Heads and Asserted RCs in Spanish data, by level................. 62

Table 17.  Percentage of Spanish Head Nouns filled by thing(s)........................................... 63|

Table 18.  Comparison of Spanish and Korean NPRel distribution........................................ 65

Table 19.  Comparison of English and Japanese NPRel distribution....................................... 65

Table 20.  Comparison of the distribution of Head NPs among the three............................... 68

Table 21.  Distribution of the grammatical relations of the Head NPs and

                            NPRel in English...................................................................................... 69

Table 22.  Distribution of the grammatical relations of the Head NPs and

                            NPRel for Korean students...................................................................... 69

Table 23.  Distribution of the grammatical relations of the Head NPs and

                            NPRel for Spanish students..................................................................... 70

Table 24.  Information status of RCs in the two groups......................................................... 78

Table 25.  The presuppositionality of the RCs in the two groups............................................ 79

Table 26.  Occurrence of have as the matrix clause verb....................................................... 80

Table 27.  Distribution of some of the Head NP types.......................................................... 82

Table 28.  Definiteness of Head NP..................................................................................... 84

Table 29.  Definiteness of Head NP after adjusting for Indefinite PRN and

                             thing....................................................................................................... 84

Table 30.  Number of discourse functions by category and language

                             background............................................................................................ 96

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