So... You think you might have what it takes to be a professional translator, one of the most difficult occupations around, and even a part of the translation team? Well, before you waste your time and ours, let us just be very clear about expectations because there are a few things you should know before applying to work with our team.
We have a "Zero Error Tolerance Policy" when it comes to errors. We expect excellence and will accept nothing less. We work for some of the most prestigious companies in the world and they have entrusted some of their most challenging tasks to us because we have proven that we can deliver. If the test translation you submit is not perfect, your application will be automatically rejected. In our company, project managers have a special nickname - Sıfır Hata Şefi.
We believe that if the translation is good, no one will know it is a translation. (Yani çeviri kokmaz). Therefore, we encourage translators to be very original (özgün) and not be bound by the grammar or structure of the original text. The final product should always be fluent, natural and effective, exemplifying excellent standard Turkish. It probably goes without saying, however, that the meaning must be IDENTICAL.
As a Single Language Vendor (SLV), one of our greatest strengths is that we combine native Turkish and native English speakers on every project. As part of our team, you will have a unique opportunity to ask professional translators (project managers) whose native language is English about anything you are not 100% sure of. In fact, we expect you to do this. (Kafadan atmak, tahminde bulunmak kesinlikle YASAKTIR! Inancımız şu ki doğru çeviri yapmak için kaynak metni ANLAMAK esastır). Furthermore, every translator MUST translate into their native language.
Many freelance translators work without the benefit of a CAT tool. These poor souls have our undying sympathy but will never have a place on our team. You MUST become very proficient with at least one, and preferrably several, of the following: TRADOS, MetaTexis or Across. If you have never used a CAT program, we require that you download the free version of MetaTexis, do the tutorials, familiarize yourself with how to use translation memories, and be able to create a bilingual file.
An aptitude for research is critical in our profession. As a translator, you are expected to utilize the Internet to learn the jargon of specific fields. We expect you to read all six of our articles regarding researching the internet at "Keşfi İnternet"
If you are still serious about a career as a translator with, you will first need to complete a test translation. Right-click on one of the following links and choose "Save as..." to save one of the tests to your computer: IT Translation, Medical Translation, or Legal Translation. (Note: if you are a native English translator, please do our TR-EN Legal Translation). Then translate it using one of the CAT tools mentioned above.
When you have done that, fill out the following form completely and and upload your C.V. as well as the bilingual file of your test translation: